Thursday 11 June 2009

portfolio Evaluation

When looking back at my portfolio I feel quite content with it. I feel it really portrays me well as a designer. It shows clearly what direction I have taken with my creativity and my design ambitions. Advertising is a career path I want to take, so I feel the majority of the work I have shown within my portfolio are aimed to portray that.


I do feel that some brushing up still need to be done, with the later part does suggest it has been rushed and just thrown together at the last minute. The explanations of my work I do feel need to be tweaked slightly, but this is something I will review over the summer. After sending my portfolio to professionals the feed back has been extremely positive, with them giving my feed back of how it is very clean cut and professional looking, portraying the quality of my work, something I really wanted to portray when putting it together. This is the reason I decided to go for a white background and limited text as I think my work really speaks for its self.


I do feel when looking back at my portfolio examples of promotional design, packaging design, branding and corporate design are very limited, all things that I am extremely interested in. As for this, these are things that I will be concentrating on within third year, which I will hopefully be able to tie in with advertising campaigns as I have done previously. I am unsure at present whether I should remove things like my photography and book designs, and make it more specific as me as a designer, or whether I should leave it to suggest to industry that I have a range of abilities and interests.


I have sorted 3 work placements out, and possibly a forth. My 1st one is working for a freelance graphic designer, where I will be working alongside her producing websites, packaging design and just getting a better understanding of ideas I come up with and design going to print. Adveritisng or publication is a possible career path I want to take. I have a 2 work placement confirmed for physocolgies mgazine where I will be learning the general run of the company, and also I will be deisgining simple magazine pages for them on in design. Another confimred placement is for a week for Heat magazine.


I have an interview on Thursday in London for a possible placement for Elle magazine and FHM. This will be a great learning curve for me as it is the first professional interview I have had in industry, and I aim to take a lot from it and hopefully get some professional feedback from my portfolio. Also I have spoken to Saatchi and Saatchi, and they have no more availibilty over the summer, but they have kept my details on file and said they I need to contact them nearer Christmas and hopefully they will have something available for me.



I feel that my strengths I can identify within my work are now the ability to grasp the concept of a brief and develop my ideas quickly. Throughout all the briefs, Illustrator has been the software I am most confident with, and I feel this shines through in my portfolio. I do feel even though over the two years of being on the course I have grown so much as a designer, I still have a lot to learn. Even though I know where my nieches are within design at present, I still want to challenge my self more as a designer, help my self to develop into a professional designer, a place I can see my self getting nearer to, the more I manage my time and keep my self organized.




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